In Jackson Hole and Star Valley, NOBODY "Restores" carpet like we do.
Call us toll-free today
RYC, out!
Good morning! I decided today that since it is so popular in the area to have berber carpet in a residential setting, and that so many other cleaners have such a difficult time restoring carpet like this with conventional cleaning methods, that I would like to show off a video of our Very-Low-Moisture carpet restoration process. This very effective method of cleaning offers so many advantages over regular steam cleaning of carpet. For instance, how about in this instance, dry in under an hour? No re-soiling of carpet face fibers, and complete restoration of all stain, spots, and traffic areas. See for yourself... We don't just "Clean" carpet... We RESTORE YOUR CARPET. Interested in learning more about our carpet restoration services? Check out our "Cleaning Processes" page, and also our "Pricing Packages" page and find the right pricing option that fits your needs.
In Jackson Hole and Star Valley, NOBODY "Restores" carpet like we do. Call us toll-free today 1-855-DRIEST-1 (374378-1) RYC, out! Feast your eyes on this latest edition of our very low moisture carpet cleaning process. This carpet is in need of some serious TLC, and it gets it! Carpet cleaning companies in Jackson and Star Valley Wyoming are many. Few though can clean carpet this fast and have it dry in only a couple hours. Enjoy! If you are in need of carpet cleaning or restorative services, call us anytime, we can Restore Your Carpet.
In jackson Hole, or Star Valley- call toll free 1-855-374-3781 Carpet cleaning is chemistry and physics... Is YOUR current carpet cleaner REALLY a professional?10/25/2012
![]() Typical 3 bed 2 bath home that has not had the carpets cleaned in 5+ years. If you are a carpet cleaner, you have seen this picture to the left before. If you are a client looking for a carpet cleaner, you may have moved out of a place that looked like this after you had moved all your belongings to your new place and looked at the carpet and thought..."I am not getting my deposit back..." This post is an in depth look at the role that physics and chemistry play in the carpet cleaning process that Restore Your Carpet implements in the jobs that we complete for our clients. When we get the initial phone call, most of the time it is not for a maintenance cleaning, people have a problem that they want us to solve. I always approach these types of jobs with a chip on my shoulder and take them as a challenge. There have been jobs in the past where the cost of cleaning the carpet exceeds the current value of the carpet, or else the cost of cleaning it exceeds 65% of the cost to buy new carpet. We always inform the client if this is the case and allow them to make an informed decision. The carpet we are discussing today is not in as bad of shape as at first glance. ![]() Frieze style carpet, needs a good scrubbin'. Wave hello to my vacuum RICCAR. You may be wondering what is up with the square shaped area in the picture to the left. This is a living room, and the folks that moved out had an area rug with some furniture around it. A lot of people do not get their carpets cleaned because they simply do not want to move their furniture out of the rooms. We provide our clients with the option to either move their furniture on their own, or for a nominal add-on we can move it out and back for them. Obviously this carpet is dirty. What is it going to take in order to get this carpet into a 'restored' condition? Understanding how carpet is made, and the material that it is made of is a great place to start. In short, carpet is recycled plastic bottles... Weird huh? You are walking around on extruded recycled material that has been melted down into liquid and twisted into fiber strands. If you could view carpet through a microscope, you would see that it has a uniform shape, its shiny, and mostly transparent. It just happens that I brought along my microscope today with me on this job with the intention of writing this blog... ![]() Carpet strand fibers through our microscope. This picture to the left is an actual photo that I took today on this job of the very carpet in the picture at the beginning of this post. The carpet is not manufactured with all those flecks and spots. That is dirt, and soils and etc... In order to diagnose and properly inspect your carpet before it is cleaned, we get a good idea of what (if any) the problem is before we get started. One way to do this, is to look at the carpet fibers really closely like you see here with this shot through our microscope camera. You can see that this carpet is really heavily soiled. I took this picture after I had vacuumed with our super special vacuum cleaner. On second thought, I should have taken one before to compare, oh well, next time. This shot was in the middle of the room in the major traffic area where the soiling was apparent with the naked eye, but I wanted you all to get a closer look... ![]() PH pen reads the water in this bottle to be slightly alkaline. This little device that I am holding in my hand in this shot is called a PH pen. It measures the PH(percentage of Hydrogen) level of anything that you can get the little electrode to touch. It also gives a temperature reading. Here I have filled up a 2.5 gallon solution bottle with water. I rinsed it out a couple times and the reading I got was a 7.36. Water is close to neutral, which is a 7. 7 is neutral. Most soils are slightly acidic, so less than 7, somewhere north of a 6. Why does this all matter to the client? It all depends on how the carpet is used really. If you have a cleaner that uses really high alkaline cleaners and does not neutralize their detergents or the carpet after cleaning them, your carpet will soils really rapidly following the cleaning process. Also, high alkaline or high acid concentrate can irritate skin, mostly in kids and infants, and that is not good for anybody. ![]() This is a shot of the reading that I took after mixing up a high alkaline cleaning solution. Due to the soil level of the carpet, I made a choice of which detergent to use and how much, added it to some hot water, mixed it up, and took a measurement. This reading shows 11.52 @ 95.3 degrees F. The PH scale goes from 0-14 so if 7 is neutral, This solution mix is 5,000 times more alkaline than neutral. For each increment whole number above or below 7, it is measured by ten times. Head spinning yet? Read on... ![]() After applying the cleaning solution to the carpet face fibers, I took another reading of the fibers to see where my PH level was before I scrubbed the carpet. You can see that it read 11.46 on the alkaline side @ 73.7 degrees F. This solution did not lose its alkalinity immediately after the application to the carpet fibers.
The bottom line is this. In order to get carpet REALLY clean and safe. You really need to choose a professional with the proper know-how and tooling to get the job done safely and efficiently. Restore Your Carpet is a full-service flooring company that is committed to education in the industry, certification, and the latest technology to ensure that we can continue to not just clean your carpet, but to RESTORE it.
RYC, out. For professional carpet cleaning in the Jackson Hole, WY areas call- 307.774.0223 For professional carpet cleaning in the Star Valley, WY areas call- 307.887.0223 |
June 2014