Does your carpet look like this even after you vacuum it? It looks ratty, dingy, dirty, etc, etc. I received a phone call from a lady that was a referral from a loyal customer. I love these phone calls because it has been our experience that after people try our services and they see the level of knowledge and the quality of our work, they love to tell their friends about us. This call was about another rental property that had pets in it. The owner attempted to clean it themselves with the "Machine that will not be named," that they rented from the local hardware store. Look at the result here. This is the carpet AFTER I had vacuumed it with our commercial vacuum. This is as good as I could make it look with a good vacuuming. It still looks pretty bad. The problem with this carpet is that it is completely saturated with soils, and pet hair. I know this because of what my vacuum looked like when I was done pre-vacuuming the carpet.

This is after I cultivated a few gallons of hair out of this carpet with my counter-rotating-brush machine and vacuumed it up. Notice how the carpet pile has been brought back to life and it is fluffy again?

This carpet cleaning job was performed in Bedford, Wyoming
In Star Valley, Wyoming-307.887.0223
In Jackson Hole, Wyoming-307.774.0223
RYC, out.